3 proven side hustles to make money fast

Check out how social media, Etsy, and dropshipping can earn you more dough.
Apr 4
 min read
Last updated:
Jun 2
A woman sitting on a couch smiling while looking at her laptop.
A woman sitting on a couch smiling while looking at her laptop.

Nobody’s ever complained about having too much money (and if you have, this article probably won’t be helpful). Side hustles are a great way to earn a little extra for those unexpected house leaks, splurging on dessert at the end of a meal, or booking that vacay you’ve been dreaming about. 

Social media

But, Super, “Don’t I need thousands of followers to make money on social media?” 

Nope! Since many millennials and Gen Zers grew up with social media, they can excel at being a virtual assistant, selling merch, and more! 

Hey, all of those hours spent sacrificing to the Tiktok gods was really upskilling. 

Three ways to earn money with social media:

  1. Virtual assistant: Schedule posts and respond to DMs or emails for businesses or personal brands.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Promote a brand’s products and make a commission for every customer who purchases them through your unique link. Joining a network like Impact can help give you access to multiple affiliate programs.
  3. Premium services or coaching: If you have a skillset in a particular area, you can launch paid content like a course, an eBook, or a mentoring service.


Get crafty with it. Etsy is a great place to sell handmade pieces, cool vintage finds, and more. 

Three ways to earn money with Etsy:

  1. Handmade items: Think of jewelry, clothing, or home decor. Cake? Not so much. Cake-shaped earrings? That’s more like it.
  2. Vintage items: If you love a good thrift, use your powers for good! There’s a huge market for items with a backstory so hit up those garage and estate sales.
  3. Digital products: It’s true! You can also sell printable art, templates, or eBooks. Bonus: no shipping costs.


Dropshipping is when a store purchases their product from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.  

Think of it like this: Ever purchased something off Amazon and not recognized the seller? There’s a good chance it’s coming from a seller who created an online storefront with Amazon and uses dropshipping to fulfill orders. 

They list products on Amazon that they don't physically have in stock. 

But when a customer places an order, the seller purchases the product from a third-party supplier who ships it directly to the customer. This allows the seller to avoid the costs and hassle of storing and shipping inventory themselves.

Three ways to earn money with dropshipping:

  1. Find your niche: Research a market that has high demand and low competition. For example, cat nail care. It’s a little random but might have a huge customer base!
  2. Choose a reliable supplier: This is crucial for dropshipping success. So pick one with a positive reputation, quality products, and fast shipping times like Alibaba or Aliexpress.
  3. Create a website and promote your products: You can use social media, paid advertising, or influencer marketing to drive traffic to your digital storefront.

Side hustles can make a huge difference in your life so find what feels right for you, do something you love, and watch the money flow in! 

Get to Know the Real Chi-town

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

3 proven side hustles to make money fast

Check out how social media, Etsy, and dropshipping can earn you more dough.

Last update: 
Apr 4, 2023
 minutes to read

In this article:

Nobody’s ever complained about having too much money (and if you have, this article probably won’t be helpful). Side hustles are a great way to earn a little extra for those unexpected house leaks, splurging on dessert at the end of a meal, or booking that vacay you’ve been dreaming about. 

Social media

But, Super, “Don’t I need thousands of followers to make money on social media?” 

Nope! Since many millennials and Gen Zers grew up with social media, they can excel at being a virtual assistant, selling merch, and more! 

Hey, all of those hours spent sacrificing to the Tiktok gods was really upskilling. 

Three ways to earn money with social media:

  1. Virtual assistant: Schedule posts and respond to DMs or emails for businesses or personal brands.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Promote a brand’s products and make a commission for every customer who purchases them through your unique link. Joining a network like Impact can help give you access to multiple affiliate programs.
  3. Premium services or coaching: If you have a skillset in a particular area, you can launch paid content like a course, an eBook, or a mentoring service.


Get crafty with it. Etsy is a great place to sell handmade pieces, cool vintage finds, and more. 

Three ways to earn money with Etsy:

  1. Handmade items: Think of jewelry, clothing, or home decor. Cake? Not so much. Cake-shaped earrings? That’s more like it.
  2. Vintage items: If you love a good thrift, use your powers for good! There’s a huge market for items with a backstory so hit up those garage and estate sales.
  3. Digital products: It’s true! You can also sell printable art, templates, or eBooks. Bonus: no shipping costs.


Dropshipping is when a store purchases their product from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.  

Think of it like this: Ever purchased something off Amazon and not recognized the seller? There’s a good chance it’s coming from a seller who created an online storefront with Amazon and uses dropshipping to fulfill orders. 

They list products on Amazon that they don't physically have in stock. 

But when a customer places an order, the seller purchases the product from a third-party supplier who ships it directly to the customer. This allows the seller to avoid the costs and hassle of storing and shipping inventory themselves.

Three ways to earn money with dropshipping:

  1. Find your niche: Research a market that has high demand and low competition. For example, cat nail care. It’s a little random but might have a huge customer base!
  2. Choose a reliable supplier: This is crucial for dropshipping success. So pick one with a positive reputation, quality products, and fast shipping times like Alibaba or Aliexpress.
  3. Create a website and promote your products: You can use social media, paid advertising, or influencer marketing to drive traffic to your digital storefront.

Side hustles can make a huge difference in your life so find what feels right for you, do something you love, and watch the money flow in! 

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

Last update: 
Apr 4, 2023
 minutes to read
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Super is dedicated to helping people get more out of life by providing them with ways to build credit, save money, travel more, and earn cashback rewards.

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